Current Issues — Adelaide Park Lands Association

The Adelaide Park Lands are an irresistible temptation.  All sorts of schemers want a bit of the action.  After all, who wouldn't want "free" land for their pet project?

Between 2019 and 2023, community activism from APA and others successfully headed off:

Updated January 2025.

Updated November 2023

Police Mounted Unit: PARK LANDS SAVED!

Updated June 2023

However there are other, ongoing threats to the irreplaceable garland of Adelaide's Park Lands:

Updated October 2022

Updated October 2022

Updated January 2022

Updated August 2021

Updated August 2021

Updated May 2021

Updated November 2020

Updated June 2018

Other recent issues have dropped off the list. Our advocacy successfully headed off two attempts by the Adelaide Football Club to locate their administrative and commercial headquarters on Park Lands. We also played some part in protecting Helen Mayo Park from the previous State Liberal Government’s attempt to destroy the Park with a stadium.

The City Council seems to have gone cold on its 2020 idea of setting up a wildlife sanctuary in your Park Lands. However our advocacy in recent years was not sufficient to prevent the loss of portions of your Park Lands for:

Our advocacy did play a role in protecting your Helen Mayo Park in Park 27 (at least in 2018) from a City Council proposal for a commercial helipad.

Ongoing activities

Apart from these current issues, we have four ongoing activities designed to focus community attention on, and raise awareness of the rarity, beauty and world importance of the Adelaide Park Lands.  These regular activities are: