The State Government's recently-foreshadowed attacks on three Park Lands sites has raised doubts about its current push to have Adelaide declared a National Park City
The London-based National Park City Foundation is an international organisation, promoting a "Universal Charter" for National Park Cities "where we all enjoy high quality public and green spaces, where the air is clean to breathe and it’s a pleasure to swim in their waters. Together we can make cities greener, healthier, fairer and more harmonious places to live."
A “National Park City” ?
Next week (July 20-21) cities from across the globe will spruik their environmental credentials to a National Park City Foundation "virtual summit". Adelaide's push will include short pre-recorded videos from up to 25 Adelaide people. APA has not been invited to be part of that push.
Minister David Speirs says: “We have a lot to be proud of with Adelaide already recognised as the third most liveable city in the world, and I’m excited about the push to create a greener, healthier and wilder city.”
However, while Minister Speirs is pushing Adelaide's green credentials, Premier Steven Marshall is pulling away in the opposite direction, with moves to remove Open Green Public Park Lands in Park 27.
Helen Mayo Park (left) would be destroyed under the Premier’s plan (right)
A $660 million dollar stadium, a new hospital, and a new multi-storey car park are all being planned to take away more of your Park Lands.
A huge new hospital would remove this Open Green Public part of Park 27 alongside Port Road
The Premier's news releases fail to acknowledge that the sites being targeted are part of your Adelaide Park Lands.
The State Government also has delayed for more than two years acting on a recommendation to give State Heritage protection to your Adelaide Park Lands. The recommendation was made by the State Heritage Council of 6 December 2018 but has been subject since then to interminable bureaucratic delays.
The State Government is like the fabled pushmi-pullyu in the Doctor Doolittle stories, with two heads pointing in opposite directions.
In short, the State Government’s spin doesn't match its actions. The National Park City Foundation won't be fooled by a Government that talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.