Entries for our UnPaving Paradise poster design competition will be closing on Friday 13 May.
We have been encouraged by some innovative and imaginative ideas that have turned up so far and could be used for several potential re-greening sites. What can you envisage to improve what’s now just a batch of bitumen?
Design entry from Mark Matthew
APA is looking for bright ideas to kick-start reclaiming disused bitumen areas in your Park Lands and turning them into inviting Open Green Public spaces.
An entry from Chris Tatlow in four panels
How would you unpave paradise? It's a competition to find ideas for a pop-up oasis, to transform this neglected part of Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27)
This is the site where the City Council has encouraged us to plan a pilot re-greening project:
The location - what we hope will be the first Park Lands site of many to be re-greened. It could be your landscape design that’s adopted here, and elsewhere.
We’re offering eight cash prizes totalling $1,500 for the best designs. The best designs from the university sector or open category will each win $400. The two top prizes for school students are $200 each.
The best entry or entries may be used as a template for other re-greening projects in your Adelaide Park Lands.
Entry from school student Antonia Lambrakis
Full details of the competition are here: https://www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/blog/2021/12/29/unpaving-paradise-poster-design-competition
But don’t delay. Entries close at midnight on 13 May.
Contribute in another way to our UnPaving Paradise initiative! Come along to our Re-Greening benefit comedy-cabaret-rock show, at Diverse-City in Grote Street, on Saturday 4 June.