by Shane Sody
If you've ever wanted to introduce people to your Adelaide Park Lands, we've got a great opportunity for you.
Our program of Guided Walks will be expanding in 2024, and we need a few extra pairs of hands to help share the Park Lands love.
It's one of the easiest but rewarding volunteer roles you can fill: being the eyes, ears and voice of one part of your Adelaide Park Lands.
Want to know more? Come along to an introductory session on Monday 6 November 2024 at the City Council’s “Minor Works Building” 22 Stamford Court, Adelaide, from 7pm.
Meet the existing team of Park Ambassadors (see below) and find out how easy it is to speak up for just one or two of the 30-odd Parks within your Adelaide Park Lands.
A Park Ambassador leading a Guided Walk in G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23)
If you have a voice, and you can walk through a Park, then you have what it takes! It's that easy.
But you probably have questions. If so, this session is an opportunity to hear from those who've been doing it for years, including the founder of the Guided Walks program, APA President Shane Sody.
Places are limited, so please register your attendance (free) on Humanitix so we don't exceed the room capacity.
Our team of Park Ambassadors
We’d love to welcome you onto the team!