21-Year lease for rebuilt kiosk — Adelaide Park Lands Association

21-Year lease for rebuilt kiosk

by Shane Sody

Work is expected to begin later this year on renovating and partially re-building the kiosk in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14) at the start of what would be a 21-year lease.

As we reported in our newsletter of 15 December 2023, there was a three-week period of community consultation on the proposed lease, during November-December. Only 20 submissions were received.

Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority was advised on 22 February that the proposed lessee was prepared to make "significant capital investment" in renovating and partially rebuilding the kiosk while retaining the original 1960s Carey Gulley stone walls.

Artist’s impression of the renovations proposed for the kiosk. Source: Kadaltilla /Park Lands Authority agenda, 22 February 2024.

The rent is not specified but is described as being subject to "independent market review". There is to be NO rent payable until January 2025.

Proposed structural changes to the building. Source: Kadaltilla /Park Lands Authority agenda, 22 February 2024.

Private leases of any part of your Park Lands are normally for periods of up to five years. When longer leases are proposed (as in this case, a proposed 21-year lease) then the lease must be approved by not just the City Council, but also by State Parliament.

The draft lease agreement and concept plans, considered by Kadaltilla /Adelaide Park Lands Authority on 22 February, will now be presented to the City Council at its March meeting and, if approved, will be submitted to State Parliament.

The area subject to the proposed lease. Source: Kadaltilla /Park Lands Authority agenda, 22 February 2024.

The proposed new lessee, the "Creative Place Hospitality Group" intends to bring back paddle boats for the Rymill Park lake. The Group runs three other venues:

Another artist’s impression of the renovations proposed for the kiosk. Source: Kadaltilla /Park Lands Authority agenda, 22 February 2024.

In the meantime, the Rymill Park Lake renewal project is continuing. The area around the lake is expected to re-open in April 2024. https://yoursay.cityofadelaide.com.au/rymill-park-lake-renewal

The Adelaide Park Lands Association will be hosting a Guided Walk in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14) on Sunday 26 May. Book here.


There has been a kiosk next to the Rymill Park lake since the Park was landscaped in the early 1960s.

For 20 years, from 1998, it was informally known as “Arnie’s kiosk” after its former lessee, Arnie Rossis.

Arnie Rossis stepped away from the business in 2013 due to ill-health. He died in 2016 at the age of 67.

The kiosk in the early 1960s. Image: City of Adelaide

The late Arnie Rossis outside the kiosk. Pic: The Advertiser / Adelaide Now

There is a plaque in tribute to Arnie Rossis on a park bench just north of the kiosk.

Arnie’s family kept working the kiosk for a few years after his death, until 2018, then were forced to close, in part (they said) because of the disruption caused by construction of the O-Bahn tunnel.

A different operator took over in December 2018 – and called the kiosk “Lock and Quay” but they too gave it away after only about 12 months.

In 2021 new operators took over and called it “Colada Lakeside Kiosk”. They were opening only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

However they lasted little more than a year and ceased trading in April 2022. In July 2022, the City Council endorsed a plan to upgrade the area around the kiosk, and then look for new tenants.

The ‘Colada Kiosk’ in 2021

Renewal of the lake, and an “enhanced kiosk” are both part of the Council’s “Master Plan” for the Park:

The Master Plan also includes:

  • a new rose rotunda, for climbing roses;

  • a new avenue of trees along the edge of Rundle Road

  • under-grounding of power lines; and

  • installing decks next to the kiosk and on the island for small, informal events such as weddings and photo opportunities.
