Voting is underway in the South Australian Tree of the Year competition.
If you appreciate any of your local large trees, you have until 1 April to lodge a vote at
You can submit an entry on behalf of a tree anywhere in South Australia, but we hope you’ll choose one of the many large trees in your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.
Here’s some suggestions to choose from!

In an ABC’s national vote in 2022, the River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) was voted Australia’s favourite tree, so perhaps this 150-year-old River Red Gum (below) in King Rodney Park / Ityamai-itpina (Park 15) might be worthy of your nomination.
Off East Terrace near the end of Flinders Street. Could this river red gum be SA’s favourite tree for 2024? Vote here by 1 April:
This is last year’s winner: a river red gum near Mount Barker. Let’s try to get an Adelaide Park Lands tree recognised as the people’s favourite this year!
Voting closes on 1 April. Submit your entry here:
The tree with the most votes will be announced as the winner on the 20th of April.